We brought you news earlier in the week about Netflix polling its customers about a Nintendo Wii video streaming service. With news that Netflix has been sending a similar survey emphasizing the Playstation 3 as the delivery device, Netflix is exhibiting some aggressive expansionist tendencies.

The Netflix empire has already, conquered, subdued, and then won the hearts of Xbox Live subscribers, PC users, Mac users and DVR owners. Next thing you know, Netflix will be trying to shoot video directly into our brains via a convenient, one-time $9.99 implant.

The Netflix brainstreaming is probably a few years off, but judging from the text of Netflix’s email questionaires, PS3 (and Wii) video streaming will likely be a reality soon. The email survey, in fact, is identical to that sent out for the Wii.

The hypothetical PS3/Wii Netflix streaming service would require an “instant streaming disc” and, rather obviously, an internet connection.

Up against the Wii, the PS3 strikes me as a better candidate for Netflix streaming simply because it has a hard drive for buffer storage and is, subsequently, better equipped for HD video temporary storage. Either the PS3, Wii, or both would represent even more territory gains for Netflix. The company has been very forward-looking in their early adoption of new technology. A case in point: today Netflix introduced Facebook Connect, a service that lets you share movie ratings with friends.

That crazy Netflix, what will they think of next?

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